Customer Testimonials

This past summer I was compelled to buy a lift van because of my husband’s deteriorating mobility. Last week he accompanied me to a physician’s appointment. When we returned home I was horrified and panicked to discover that the lift would not deploy! I scanned through ten scenarios in my mind – each more grim than the other. I didn’t have to imagine that we were locked in an iron cage. I won’t bore you with the gory details of what transpired over the next 4 hours that I felt trapped in the van. I did not imagine and was certain that I never ever wanted to be in this situation again. The next day I called Buzz at Access Mobility and made an appointment for Friday. Our mechanic friend, Frankie, drove the van to Midland and that’s where Don and Buzz proceeded to diagnose the problem/s and instruct the mechanic. They where enormously helpful in explaining they dynamics of the lift but MOST importantly, showing Frankie what I should do if the same problem (which of course, did not manifest when he was there) occurred. They demonstrated how to manually deploy, raise, lower and stow the lift. I called to offer to treat Don and Buzz to lunch but they declined saying that customer service was the mission of Access Mobility. I am impressed!!!!


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Access CompaniesAccess Construction & Design, Access Mobility Center & Saginaw Medical Service, Inc.